We are dedicated to putting students at the center of the movement to restore oyster reefs to New York Harbor — allowing them to use their education to help solve environmental challenges in their own backyard. We currently partner with 100 schools across the five boroughs.
Student Participation
More than 40,000 New York City students have participated in Billion Oyster Project through K–12 STEM curriculum — learning science through the lens of New York City’s waterways.
By supporting Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs at The Urban Assembly New York Harbor School, we are offering students the opportunity to put their skills to work on large-scale restoration efforts in New York Harbor.
Visit our Educators page to register for professional development workshops and get students involved in the Billion Oyster Project.
Professional Learning Opportunities — varying in topic from field oyster monitoring, teaching with classroom oyster tanks, data analysis, and more! View upcoming opportunities on our Eventbrite.
Supplies — including live oysters and measurement tools.
Field Trips and Expeditions — visiting Governors Island and Community Reefs
Visibility Opportunities — potential for partner recognition and/or press coverage
A Library of Project-Based Lessons available on our Digital Platform — like our new Data Analysis Curricula for for middle school and high school classrooms.
Are you an educator?
Billion Oyster Project offers teacher training, networking opportunities, STEM curriculum, hands-on learning, and more.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number NSF EHR DRL 1440869/1759006/1839656, PI Lauren Birney. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Harbor School
Explore the public high school on Governors Island that offers real-world training for maritime careers.