getting New Yorkers involved in Scientific Research
Oyster Research Stations
Billion Oyster Project’s Oyster Research Station (ORS) program is a key component of our education work to engage students, teachers, schools, and community members in environmental restoration and stewardship at the water’s edge. Adopting an ORS involves managing an 8 x 8 x 18 inch cage, with ~300 oysters, and collecting data on oyster growth and mortality twice a year.
Wild Oyster Surveys
The presence of wild oysters is a key indicator of habitat suitability in New York Harbor. Conducting wild oyster surveys helps Billion Oyster Project understand how oysters are surviving in various locations, and determine promising sites for future oyster reefs and nurseries. Check out our Ambassador Program to learn more about conducting and leading local wild oyster surveys.
Water Quality
The Community Water Quality Testing (CWQT) program, managed by Billion Oyster Project, engages community scientists in weekly testing of New York Harbor water for bacteria that can be harmful to humans.
Read our weekly blog, featuring 2022 results from mid-May through September!
Field Stations
A Billion Oyster Project “Field Station” is a location where our team or partner organizations host regular field days utilizing an oyster installation. They are targeted for long-term community and student engagement with an emphasis on local involvement.
Species Identification Guide
This beautiful guide, funded by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, was designed to help teachers, students, and community scientists identify Atlantic Menhaden, Grass Shrimp, Oyster Toadfish, Sea Sponges, and other incredible creatures that we are lucky enough to find living in the water just beyond our doorsteps.
Learn how you can get local schools and classrooms involved in the Billion Oyster Project.